Riviera Beach Car Accident Lawyer

Seeking compensation after a car accident? A Riviera Beach car crash attorney with the Law Offices of Casey D. Shomo can help.  

Florida is a beautiful place to live, but driving on our state’s congested freeways and through its busy intersections isn’t so great. Everyone knows driving can be dangerous and accidents can lead to serious injury, but there would be a lot fewer accidents if people were a little more careful.

If a negligent or reckless driver caused your accident, you probably have a good reason to file a personal injury claim. You didn’t ask to be injured by an unsafe driver, and you should be compensated for your suffering. A Riviera Beach car accident lawyer from our office can help see that you get justice for your collision.

Florida’s No-Fault Insurance Laws

The state of Florida operates under a no-fault insurance system, under which residents must purchase a policy that covers them in the event of an accident, regardless of who caused the crash.

No-fault insurance provides personal injury protection (PIP) benefits to its policyholders, which means you can collect compensation for medical expenses and missed wages after a crash.

There are limits on your policy, though, so if you’ve been seriously injured and your losses exceed the limits of your coverage, you can qualify to take your case out of the no-fault system and sue the at-fault driver. Your car crash lawyer in Riviera Beach can help you file a claim with your insurance company or a personal injury claim.

Common Factors Leading to Serious Auto Wrecks in Riviera Beach

Florida is one of the most heavily populated states in the country, and even those who don’t live in our state often visit our beautiful beaches and tourist attractions, including Riviera Beach. Unfortunately, this means busy commutes. And more cars on the road mean more wrecks.

Also, two of our major interstates ranked first place and fourth place on a 2017 list of most dangerous freeways in the country. We would gladly give away that first-place ribbon to another state, but sadly it’s ours.

Accidents can happen anywhere, but it’s clear that Florida can be a dangerous place to drive, so it’s important to stay alert and drive safely. Below is a list of common factors that lead to serious car collisions in Riviera Beach:

  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Unsafe road conditions
  • Mechanical error
  • Speeding
  • Faulty manufacturer-installed parts

Get in Touch with a Riviera Beach Vehicle Collision Attorney

You aren’t the first person to be in an accident, and you won’t be the last, but your accident experience is uniquely yours. Your suffering isn’t just like everyone else’s, and you deserve to be compensated for your physical pain, your mental trauma, and the financial burden this accident has caused you.

After you speak with a Riviera Beach car accident lawyer from our office, you can let go of some of your accident-related stress, knowing that we will fight to protect your rights. To get in touch with the Law Offices of Casey D. Shomo for your free consultation, call 561-659-6366 or complete the online contact form on this page.