Personal Injury Lawyers
Palm Beach Gardens & Palm Beach County, FL

Lawyer for Speeding-Related Accidents in Palm Beach County, FL

High-speed crashes can result in severe injuries and fatalities

Every year, car accidents across the state of Florida involve excessive speeds. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding fatalities make up around one-third of all traffic deaths. The impact of a high-speed accident is nothing short of intensely traumatic—within an instant, lives are altered for months, years, or potentially forever.

In the aftermath of a speeding-related accident in Palm Beach County, the right lawyer can make all the difference. With over $85 million recovered for clients, Mr. Shomo uses effective legal strategies designed to get his clients the results they deserve. At The Law Offices of Casey D. Shomo, P.A. in Palm Beach Gardens, we are ready to protect your rights and build a compelling case for the maximum compensation you deserve.

The dangers and consequences of speeding

On Florida’s roads, speeding can lead to catastrophic accidents with severe consequences. Excessive speed increases the likelihood of devastating collisions and raises the risk of fatalities. In Florida, the aftermath of speeding-related accidents often involves substantial fines and penalties.

Catastrophic accidents

Speeding significantly heightens the impact and severity of accidents, resulting in catastrophic consequences for those involved. The force generated in high-speed collisions can lead to life-altering injuries, extensive vehicle damage, and profound emotional trauma.


Tragically, speeding is a major contributor to fatal accidents in Florida. The increased speed diminishes reaction time and significantly increases the severity of injuries, making it a leading factor in road fatalities. For every 10 mph, the risk of fatality doubles.

Causes of speeding-related accidents

Speeding increases the risk of accidents on the road, emphasizing the importance of speed limits for overall road safety. When drivers exceed safe speeds, their ability to respond to changing conditions diminishes, often leading to abrupt maneuvers or emergency braking. Other factors include:

  • Impatience and Aggression: Impatience and aggressive driving behaviors, such as tailgating and weaving between lanes, can lead individuals to exceed speed limits in an attempt to assert dominance on the road. This aggressive mindset increases the likelihood of accidents due to reduced reaction times and impaired judgment.
  • Rush to Reach Destinations: In today’s fast-paced world, the pressure to reach destinations quickly can tempt drivers to disregard speed limits and prioritize arrival time over safety. The desire to save time may outweigh concerns about the potential consequences of speeding, leading to risky driving behavior.
  • Lack of Awareness: Some drivers may be unaware of speed limits or fail to recognize the potential dangers of exceeding them. This lack of awareness can stem from a variety of factors, including limited education on safe driving practices or a disregard for traffic laws.
  • Peer Pressure: Social dynamics on the road, such as the desire to keep up with traffic flow or pressure from passengers, can influence drivers to accelerate beyond safe speeds. Peer pressure to conform to the behavior of surrounding vehicles can lead to reckless driving and increased accident risk.
  • Overconfident Drivers: Some drivers may overestimate their abilities behind the wheel, falsely believing they can handle higher speeds without consequences. Overconfidence can lead to a false sense of security and encourage risky driving behaviors, including speeding.
  • Distracted Driving: Distractions inside the vehicle, such as cell phone use, engaging with passengers, eating, or adjusting in-car entertainment systems, can divert attention from the road and contribute to speeding accidents. When drivers are distracted, they are less likely to adjust their speed for changes in road conditions or to avoid hazards.

Common high-speed accident injuries

High-speed accidents are a concern on Florida roads, as they frequently lead to severe injuries and tragic fatalities due to the force and impact involved. Here are some of the most common injuries sustained in high-speed accidents, where the intensity of the collision exacerbates the potential for devastating harm:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): High-speed accidents often result in traumatic brain injuries, which can range from concussions to more severe forms such as diffuse axonal injuries (DAI). These injuries can have long-lasting effects on cognitive function, memory, and overall quality of life.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: The sudden, forceful impact of a high-speed collision can damage the spinal cord, leading to paralysis or other forms of neurological impairment. Spinal cord injuries can have profound physical and emotional consequences for victims and their families.
  • Neck and Back Injuries: Whiplash, cervical fractures, and herniated discs are common neck and back injuries suffered in high-speed accidents. These injuries can cause chronic pain, limited mobility, and may require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Broken Bones and Fractures: The extreme forces involved in high-speed collisions can cause bones to break or fracture. Victims may suffer multiple fractures, including those to the arms, legs, ribs, and pelvis, which can require surgical intervention and prolonged recovery periods.
  • Internal Injuries: High-speed accidents can also cause internal injuries, such as organ damage, internal bleeding, or punctured lungs. These injuries may not be immediately apparent but can be life-threatening if left untreated.

How do you prove the at-fault driver was speeding?

Proving that the at-fault driver was speeding can be a pivotal aspect of your case if you’ve been injured in an accident. To establish this, various methods and pieces of evidence can be utilized, including:

  • Dash Cam Footage: If available, dash cam footage from your vehicle or other vehicles in the vicinity can provide crucial evidence of the other driver’s speed leading up to the accident.
  • Police Reports: Police reports often include details about the circumstances of the accident, including any observations or assessments made by responding officers regarding speeding behavior.
  • Surveillance and Traffic Cameras: Footage from surveillance cameras or traffic cameras positioned near the accident scene can capture the events leading up to the collision and potentially show the speed at which the vehicles were traveling.
  • Witness Statements: Eyewitnesses who were present at the scene of the accident can provide valuable testimony regarding the speed of the vehicles involved. Their accounts can help corroborate your version of events.
  • Vehicle Damages: The extent and nature of damage to the vehicles involved in the accident can provide insight into the speed at which the collision occurred. Severe damage may indicate higher speeds.
  • Tracking Devices: In newer vehicle models, tracking devices or black box data recorders may be installed. These devices can provide data on the vehicle’s speed leading up to the accident.

A skilled lawyer can play a crucial role in obtaining evidence to prove that the other driver was speeding. They have the experience to navigate legal processes and leverage resources to gather evidence.

Additionally, an experienced lawyer can hire reconstruction experts who specialize in analyzing accident scenes, vehicle damage, and other factors to approximate the speed of the vehicles involved. Using their own resources and legal knowledge, a lawyer can build a strong case, helping your position in negotiations or court proceedings to establish the other driver’s liability for speeding.

What damages can I recover after a speeding accident?

In the aftermath of a speeding accident, the journey to recovery involves a spectrum of costs. Potential recoverable damages include:

  • Medical bills (present and future)
  • Lost wages
  • Treatment and physical therapy costs
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental trauma and emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Injured in a speed-related accident? Protect your rights

Speeding threatens the lives of everyone on the road. If you or a loved one has suffered due to a speeding-related accident in Palm Beach County or the surrounding area, you shouldn’t bear the financial burden alone.

We are here to fight for the justice and compensation you deserve. With proven results and unwavering commitment to clients, Mr. Shomo and his dedicated legal team can work tirelessly to maximize your compensation. Schedule your free consultation with our law firm today.

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