Personal Injury Lawyers
Palm Beach Gardens & Palm Beach County, FL

Understanding Fatal Truck Accidents in Palm Beach County, FL

If your loved one died in a fatal truck accident in Florida, protect your rights

Losing a loved one in a fatal truck accident is a heart-wrenching experience, leaving families to deal with unbearable grief and overwhelming loss. When the unthinkable happens due to someone else’s negligence, the devastation magnifies. Families then have to navigate a complex maze of financial burdens while enduring the pain of their loved one’s absence.

While no amount of compensation can ever fill the void left by a cherished family member, pursuing legal action may provide a sense of justice and financial support during this trying time.

If you’ve lost a loved one in a fatal truck accident in Palm Beach County or anywhere in Florida, the compassionate team at The Law Offices of Casey D. Shomo, P.A. in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, is here to offer guidance and support. Let Mr. Shomo and his team help you seek the justice and closure you deserve. Contact our law firm today to see how a fatal truck accident lawyer can protect your rights.

Causes of fatal truck accidents

Fatal truck accidents are heartbreaking, especially when they could have been avoided. These accidents often happen because of various factors that ultimately lead to tragic outcomes. Common causes of fatal truck accidents include:

  • Drowsy driving: Truck drivers have demanding schedules and sometimes stay on the road longer than they are supposed to. This can lead to fatigue and drowsiness behind the wheel. Drowsy driving can seriously affect their ability to react quickly, making accidents more likely and more severe.
  • Driving under the influence: Drinking or using drugs and then getting behind the wheel is dangerous for any driver, but especially for someone who has to control a huge truck. Unfortunately, some truck drivers still choose to do so, putting themselves and others at risk. Being impaired affects their judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of a fatal accident.
  • Distracted driving: With long hours, staying focused can become a challenge. Truckers face distractions every day, including cellphones, eating and drinking. Although they may seem harmless, these distractions take your attention away from the road, making it hard to drive safely. Engaging in these distractions increases the likelihood of fatal accidents.
  • Reckless driving: Speeding, tailgating, and other reckless behaviors significantly increase the chances of accidents, especially when big trucks are involved. Maintaining control of a truck is much harder than controlling a smaller vehicle, so driving too fast or making sudden moves can easily lead to tragic outcomes on the road.
  • Inexperienced truckers: Inexperienced or untrained truck drivers may lack the skills and knowledge needed to safely operate commercial vehicles. This can lead to critical errors on the road, putting them and others on the road at risk of fatal accidents.
  • Mechanical errors: Even the most well-maintained vehicles can have issues, but when it comes to big trucks, mechanical problems can be particularly dangerous. Brake failures, tire blowouts, faulty lights and other mechanical issues can quickly escalate into fatal accidents if not addressed promptly.

Who can take legal action?

Taking legal action following a fatal accident in Florida is not easy. But when tragedy strikes, it’s important to understand who has the legal standing to pursue justice and seek compensation. In Florida, several parties may be entitled to take legal action, including:

  • Spouse or domestic partner
  • Child or stepchild
  • Parent or sibling
  • Financially dependent blood relative
  • Financially dependent adoptive sibling
  • The personal representative of the deceased’s estate

If you’re unsure whether you fit into any of these categories or if multiple relatives are considering bringing a claim, our Palm Beach Gardens fatal truck accident lawyer can help guide you on the best course of action.

What damages can I sue for?

When a loved one tragically loses their life in a truck accident, families have to deal with emotional and financial burdens. Pursuing a wrongful death claim can provide some relief by seeking compensation for various expenses incurred as a result of the loss. These damages include:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Medical treatment expenses incurred between the accident and the victim’s death
  • Pain and suffering

How long do I have to take legal action?

When it comes to filing a wrongful death claim, timing is crucial. Every state has a deadline known as the “statute of limitations” that determines how long you have to take legal action. In Florida, the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims is usually two years from the date of the person’s passing. While this may seem like more than enough time, it’s important to act sooner rather than later.

Moreover, there can be exceptions to this timeframe depending on the specifics of your case, so it’s a good idea to reach out to a fatal truck accident lawyer as soon as you can. Attorney Casey D. Shomo can help you understand your rights and options within this timeframe.

Remember, it’s best not to wait too long to explore your legal options if you’re considering pursuing a wrongful death claim in Florida.

Get justice for your loved one with an experienced fatal truck accident lawyer

Mr. Shomo and his team want to emphasize that no amount of money can ever replace the loss of a loved one. However, that does not mean you cannot get justice for them. Our mission is to secure justice and provide support for families affected by fatal truck accidents in Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach County, and throughout Florida.

With a track record of securing over $85 million in settlements and verdicts for his clients, Mr. Shomo has the experience and dedication to fight tirelessly on your behalf.

It may never seem like the right time to take legal action, but taking the first step is crucial. Mr. Shomo encourages you to contact a compassionate fatal truck accident lawyer today for a free consultation. Let our law firm stand by your side and fight for the justice you and your loved ones deserve.

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