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Preparing for a Free Consultation with an Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, consulting with an injury lawyer should be your next move. You don’t have to cripple your finances and risk your well-being when you have the option to reach out to a professional. 

While representing yourself might sound like a good idea on paper, the legal system is complex and all it takes is a small mistake to diminish your claim’s value. That’s why speaking with someone who has extensive knowledge of the law is so important. Here’s how you can prepare for a free consultation with an accident lawyer

Supporting Documentation

If you want to receive a good settlement offer, you need to prove liability and negligence. These two factors need evidence which comes in the form of supporting documentation or evidence. You should try to obtain it shortly after the accident, as it’s crucial for your case’s success. 

Police reports will let your attorney have a clear picture of the details that led to a collision. Medical records and bills are an important part of your compensation, while work documentation can help lawyers establish if you’re entitled to lost wages. Don’t forget to bring pictures of the damage done to your property, too, when calculating your economic damages. 

Questions to Ask Your Car Accident Lawyer

In addition to providing documentation needed to prove negligence, it would be a good idea to compile a list of questions to ask during initial consultations. When you decide to take legal action against a distracted or reckless driver, it’s important to know you have the right lawyer for your case.

Getting answers early can help you feel secure during this difficult time. An attorney is there for you, so feel free to ask anything, from their amount of experience in handling similar cases, to their fees and your chances of winning. 

If you’re still unsure where to start, a list of commonly asked questions may help:

  • How many cases similar to mine have you handled?
  • Is my case going to trial?
  • What are my chances of winning?
  • How long will it take to receive compensation?
  • Do you work on contingency? How are your fees paid?
  • Can I get an estimate of my settlement?

The answers you receive should leave you satisfied and confident in your lawyer’s ability to keep you updated and treat your case as a priority. 

Be Ready to Answer

Keep in mind that an experienced car accident lawyer will also ask questions. They understand that it might be emotionally difficult to recall moments from a traumatic event, but your answers are necessary if you want to protect your rights, your health, and the future of your finances. 

If you can, write down a detailed account of the accident in as much detail as you can remember. You can also bring journals that document the progression of your recovery. 

Connect with Our Law Firm Today

The Law Offices of Casey D. Shomo can help you overcome financial hardships by making sure that you’re fairly compensated. Our lawyers are ready to remove all doubts from your mind, so you can let them take care of the hard part while you focus on healing. 

We offer free, no-obligation case evaluations to accident victims such as yourself. You can get in touch with our legal team today by giving us a call at 561-659-6366. An online contact form is also available.